On 24 March 2018, Wilfried is launching – Refugee 3.0 – the 3rd edition of Refugee Film Collection. As the basis for “The Refugee Memorial” – Refugee Film Collection ” is representing an unique collection of shortfilms dealing with the topic of “migration” from different artistic points of view. The 3rd edition is incorporating 22 videos, most of them were recently produced, respectively created.
In 2015, when Wilfried was initiating Refugee Film Collection the refugee crisis was continuously in the news, also because countries like Germany were making spectacular political decisions, in the end everybody was completely overwhelmed because the incredible dimensions of the refugee streams became visible. Later in 2016 and the following years. the refugees will remain in the news, for instance, in Germany due to xenophobic, populist neofascist attacks against refugees shocking the public. Later the refugees remain a topic in the political discourse, also the reasons for migrating, for instance,
the war in Sysria will keep on escalating, but in 2020 another form of migrating will dominate the news, it is the Corona virus which starts migrating from China around the world leaving behind a trace of infections and thousands of dead people – a pandemic – possible and enforced through the globalization. The countries close the borders, nobody can move from one country to another anymore, and the refugees whereever they persevere in Libya, Turkey, Greece, Lebanon, Jordan and elsewhere are condemned to stay where the currently are, the refugee camps are the new true concentration camps and nobody cares – greetings from the Nazis – but it can be predicted, it will not take too long until they start the storm on Europe another time – they have nothing to lose.

Dimitris Argyriou (Greece) – 5 Minutes of silence, 2018, 10:00
Hdys (USA) – We The People, 2018, 3:51
Vito Alfarano (Italy) – I have a Dream, 2018, 11:32
Lisi Prada (Spain) – Almost Invisible, 2018, 10:00
Boutheyna Bouslama (Tunisia) – When I Grow Up, 2015, 6:00
Mike Celona (USA) – Across From Where, 2018, 3:29
Reza Golchin (Iran) – For A Better Life, 2018, 1:00
Cigdem Slankard (Turkey/USA) – Fresh Start, 2017, 12:50

Abe Abraham (USA) – Salt Water, 2017, 5:52
Zaher Alchihabi (Syria) – Tanarium, 2017, 3:33
Eri Kassnel (France) – Cradle Song, 2018, 8:33
Albert Merino (Spain) – Bestiary, 2018, 5:10
Mathilde Babo (France) – After The Spring, 2016, 4:00
Anna Faroqui & Haim Peretz (Germany) – Lana’s Story, 2017, 12:00
Fu LE (France) – Mass, 2019, 10:00
Mohammed Harb (Palestine) – Will We Meet Again, 2015, 5:30

Paul Barrios (Colombia) – Outside As Insidee, 2018, 14:00
Barbara Hasenmüller (Germany) – Rhythm Variation, 2017, 9:28
Filomena Rusciano (Italy) – Liquid Path, 2013, 4:00
Alienor Vallet (France) – Stranger, 2018, 5:00
Lioba von den Drisch (Germany) – ludo_2, 2016, 1:35
Sebastian Weimann (Germany) – The Girl & The Memory, 2017, 6:20
Sebastian Weimann (Germany) – 3. August 2014, 2017, 7:15
Anna Faroqui & Haim Peretz (Germany) – Telling the way I want, 2018, 12:00

Irene Curik (Croatia) – A Prayer for Pinocchio, 2016, 21:16
Susan Bruce (Australia) – We Design For People, 2017, 3:54
Christian Wodstrup Christiansen (Denmark) – Birds in the Net, Milan, 2015, 4:49
Zlatko Cosic (Bosnia/USA) – Only the Chimney Stays, 2010, 5:30
Eda Emirdağ (turkey) Last Dance, 2016, 01’57
Piotr Filipiuk (Poland) – ) Hotel Paraiso, 2017, 06:016
Abdoul-Ganiou Dermani (Togo) – “Goods Transport”, 2016, 3´14´´
Sonia Guggisberg (Brazil) – Migrant dream, 2016, 9:01

Francesca Lolli (Italy – No country for everyone), 2015, 01:52
Alessandro Inglima (Italy) – Breathe, 2014, 2:41
Ma Kapoka (Italy) – There was not time, 2016, 9:18
Hamza Kirbas (Turkey) – No Human is Legal, 2017, 1:25
Sonia Guggisberg (Brazil) – Skaramanga Camp, 2017, 9:00
Felice Hapetzeder (Sweden) – Voyage, 2017, 2:30
Ulf Kristiansen (Norway) – Gimme Shelter, 2017, 03:24
Enoh Lienemann (Germany) – In My Head, 2015, 6`34 min

Lisi Prada (Spain) – [my home] – [meine heimat], 2012, 3’14″16
The Unstitute (UK/Spain) – ‘Immigranta’, 2017, 6:24
Angelina Voskopoulou (Greece) – Blind Travelers, 2017, 1:27
Kalli Paakspuu (Canada) – Awakening –as told by Roman Toi”, 2017, 5:00
Carles Pamies (Spain) – The Raft of The Medusa, XXIst CENTURY, 2017, 4:31
Elsa Trzaska (Finland) – Mediterranean, 2017, 12:43