Peace Letters to Ukraine

Starting on 1 March 2022,
The New Museum of Networked Art – is realising during The Russian War against Ukraine (open end) in an exchange between virtual and physical space the audio-visual art project – Peace Letters to Ukraine – as an internationally networked action between participating artists, curators and cultural institutions in solidarity with Ukraine. Initiated by the Cologne based media artist and curator Agricola de Cologne – The Peace Letters Project – would not only like to honour the collaboration with Ukrainian artists, curators and cultural institutions since 2008, but contribute to Peace and defend the endangered freedom – freedom of the word, expression and movement as the fundament of free art and culture.

The Summer Program is featuring between 13 July – 8 September each week another screening program, demonstrating the solidarity of artists all over the world with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people suffering from the Russian annihilation war – starting on 22 February 2022.

About the curator - Agricola de Cologne
1 May 2022 Thessaloniki Municipal Art Gallery

Agricola de Cologne @
chief curator of The Peace Letters to Ukraine Project

curator of media art, designer of culture, interdisciplinary media artist, director of experimental shortfilms and videos
founder and director of
– The New Museum of Networked Art – the experimental platform for art and new media (2000)
– The Audiovisual Art Collections @ The New Museum of Networked Art (2005)
– artvideoKOELN – the curatorial initiative „art & moving images“ (2005)
– CologneOFF – The New Institute for Contemporary Art & Moving Images 2005/2020
– creator/curator of The W:OW Project – We Are One World – global networking project (2017) & The 7 Memorials for Humanity (2018)

Besides for a broad bandwidth of dynamic curatorial contexts he is initiating in physical & virtual space like JavaMuseum (2001), NewMediaFest (2002), Violence Online Festival (2003), SoundLAB & VideoChannel (2004), CologneOFF (2005), netEX (2007), AVMCI (2012), Agricola de Cologne is standing also for the co-curator & co-organiser of events like festivals & exhibitions of contemporary art, but also for the jury member of divers festivals.

Since its introduction in 2000, Agricola de Cologne is represented as an artist & curator on more than 800 festivals and media art exhibitions in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Knoxville, Pittsburgh, Toronto, Montreal, Mexico City, Guadalajara, Merida, Caracas, Maracaibo, Buenos Aires, Rosario, Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Santiago de Chile, Quito, Bogota, London, Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse, Madrid, Gijon, Sevilla, Valencia, Barcelona, Lisbon, Oslo, Bergen, Stockholm, Helsinki, Tampere, Kopenhagen, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Tokyo, Nagoya, Seoul, Manila, Hongkong, Bangkok, Phnom Penh, New Delhi, Guwahati, Mumbai, Kolkata, Jakarta, Perth, Melbourne, Casablanca, Rabat, Marrakesh, Addis Abeba, Istanbul, Ankara, Yerewan, Tblissi, Damaskus, Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Bethlehem, Gaza, Basel, Zurich, Vienna, Linz, Salzburg, Graz, Kiev, Kharkiv, Riga, Tallinn, Vilnius, Moscow, St.Petersburg, Kansk, Perm, Yekaterinburg, Sofia, Varna, Bukarest, Arad, Timisoara, Budapest, Belgrade, Zagreb, Split, Lubljana, Rome, Naples, Milan, Pescara, Venice, Torino, Bologna, Berlin, Cologne, Münster, Düsseldorf, Karlsruhe, Nuremberg & elsewhere, but also on Biennials like Venice Biennale 2003, 2005, Biennale of New Media Art Merida/MX 2003, Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth/Australia (2004), Biennale de Montreal (2004), Biennale of Video & New Media Santiago de Chile (2005), ISEA Nagoya (2002), ISEA Singapur (2008), ISEA Belfast (2009), Kochi Musziris Biennial (2016/2017)

Agricola de Cologne –>
artvideoKOELN –>
The New Museum of Networked Art –>

Peace Letters to Ukraine 7
Peace Letters 1

as previously presented @ Torrance Art Museum Los Angeles (CA/USA) – 04-25 June 2022

Videoart from Ukraine – Part 1

selection 1- curated by Yarina Butkovska

Kateryna Babkina – Used to be Keys, 2007, 2:30
Borys Pasichniy and Julia Pavlovska – Milk, 2007, 3:51
Oleg Ushchenko – Genius, 2006, 1:25
Olexiy Khoroshko – The Aim Of The Game, 2007, 4:20
Mykola Kondratenko – Longing For Students, 2007, 3:47
MaxFlood – Let’s walk More, 2007, 1:49
Svitlana Oleshko & Mykhaylo Barbara – Stas Perfetsky is returning to Ukraine, 2005, 7:51
Viacheslav Poliakov – Indoor-outdoor, 2007, 3:51
Yuriy Kruchak, Yulia Kostereva – Framing West, 2009, 2:46
Oksana Chepelyk – Urban Multimedia Utopia – UMU: 10:00, 2002

28 July – 10 August 2024
Peace Letters to Ukraine 6

In Turmoil – curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
as previously presented @ Thessaloniki Municipal Art Gallery // 18-20 May 2022

Laura & Sira Cabrera Diaz (Spain) – Between Species, 2021, 9:16
Ian Gibbins (Australia) – Colony Collapse, 2019, 3:54
Brit Bunkley (New Zealand) – Pillar of Fire, 2021, 6:59
Kokou Ekouagou (Togo) – Stand Up, 2020, 1:46
Carolin Koss (Finland) – Plastic Child, 2016, 12:11
Wilfried Agricola de Cologne (Germany) – SODA – Song of Day After: I Am My Father, 2017, 4:26
Ausin Sainz (Spain) – Peaceful Protest, 2020, 5:00
Manon Pichon (France) – Quarantine Contact, 2020, 1.00
Bernhard Hollinger (Austria) – Me, Myself & I
Dimitris Argyriou (Greece) – 5 Minutes Silence, 2018, 10:52
Vito Alfarano (Italy) – I Have A Dream, 2019, 11:30

About the venue - Thessaloniki Municipal Art Gallery
Video Art Projects Festival – 18-20 May 2022

Municipal Art Gallery of Thessaloniki/Greece

will inaugurate in collaboration with the Faculty of Fine Arts of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (School of Visual and Applied Arts, New Media for Visual Arts Studio) and the International Festival Video Art Miden, Kalamata, Greece, a new art festival titled Video Art Projects.
Video Art Projects is a newborn international festival which focus on multiple visual expressions of video art. The festival will take place at Casa Bianca, the headquarters of the Municipal Art Gallery of Thessaloniki, from Wednesday 18th to Friday May 20th 2022, on the occasion of the International Museum Day – May 18th .
This year the festival received 120 entries (New Media artists) from 21 countries and regions around the world. The 3 – days program will be enriched with the participation of other important festivals and curators from abroad, especially from Italy, Germany, Portugal and Brazil. The projections will present tributes to the Greek Video Art, as well as to the School of Visual and Applied Arts students’ artworks.
International platforms / festivals, The New Museum of Networked Art (Germany), Visualcontainer (Italy), FONLAD – International Video Art and Performance Festival (Portugal) and Stangloscope (Brazil), as well as the International Festival Video Art Miden (Greece), will present a selection of video artworks.

in collaboration with

Event images

The curator's note
Curatorial note

In Turmoil
The World is in turmoil, the human civilisation is in turmoil, culture is in turmoil, the artists are in turmoil – racism, intolerance, climate change, pandemic, globalization, violence and war in Ukraine and elsewhere, the war of the political systems and ideologies – genocide – and all simultaneously! The global crisis!
And what function might art have in all that mess? What message may transport this Peace Letter?
In any case much more than just promissing support and solidarity, rather summoning the positive creativity when we, that’s the world community, are staying together brainstorming, acting in respect and responsibility for each other. Art as a tool for sensitizing and encouragment and – Peace. The 11 selected artists – coming from different continents and cultural backgrounds – show and offer their positive creativity via their audiovisual creations.
The Peace Letter to Ukraine Project was initiated by the Cologne based media artist and curator Wilfried Agricola de Cologne for The New Museum of Networked Art as a networked artistic action in reaction on the war against the Ukraine in solidarity for the Ukraininan people.

The solidarity screenings in Thessaloniki consist of –
Peace Letters 6 – selection curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
including Laura & Sira Cabrera Diaz (Spain), Ian Gibbins (Australia), Brit Bunkley (New Zealand), Kokou Ekouagou (Togo), Carolin Koss (Finland), Wilfried Agricola de Cologne (Germany), Ausin Sainz (Spain), Manon Pichon (France), Bernhard Hollinger (Austria), Dimitris Argyriou (Greece), Vito Alfarano (Italy)

21 July – 03 August 2024

New Peace Letters 17 – 1

curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

Oleksa Konopelko (Ukraine) – Mutafory Lili – Black Hallucination, 2023, 2:23
Olha and Yaroslav Kutsan (UA) – Basel – back to Bakhchisarai, 2024, 13:55
Oksana Chepelyk (Ukraine) – On the Edge Right, 2023, 7:51
Marina Shkarupa (Ukraine) – Fragile Border, 2023, 7:00
Anna Kryvenko (Ukraine) – Silently Like a Comet, 2014, 14:00
Kristina Borhes (MZM PROJECTS) (UA) – If Homophobia Ended Tomorrow, 2020, 12:00
Olexiy Khoroshko (Ukraine) – Lost Angels, 2010, 2:01

13 -27 July 2024

Peace Letters to Ukraine 13

ExDox Documentaries
Selection curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne

Marie Magescas (France) – WAR desease, 2010, 8:26
Shahar Marcus (Israel) – Seeds, 2012, 5:03
Yiotis Vrantzas (Greece) – Phone call from Cairo, 2012, 4:55
Omar Robert Hamilton (Egypt) – The People Demand the Fall of the Regime, 2011, 4:00
Masa Hicisin Dervisevic (CZ) – Personal Images: Personal Semiotics of War, 2013, 9:54
Agricola de Cologne (Germany) – Oaktown-on climate activism, 2020, 17:00
Oleg Chorny (Ukraine) – Olexa Hirnyk Stairs, 2012, 14:00

About the venue - Izdoc @ French Cultural Center Izmir

Salute to those who created our reality by showing us the truth.
Izmir, one of the most beautiful cities in Turkey, is the country’s 3rd largest metropolis with a population of 5 million. It is also an important tourism center with its historical and natural texture. İZDOC – İzmir International Documentary Festival is also the first documentary film festival of the city.

20-21-22 January 2023 @

PLU 14 - Peace Letters Winter Marathon 022/2023 - IZMIR 20-23 January 2023

Press Releases/Downloads
The curator's note

Curatorial note

ExDox Documentaries
The World is in turmoil, the human civilisation is in turmoil, culture is in turmoil, the artists are in turmoil – violence and war in Ukraine and elsewhere, the war of the political systems and ideologies, genocide, racism, intolerance, climate change, pandemic, expulsion, refugees, globalization – and all simultaneously! The global crisis!
And what function might art have in all that mess? What message may transport these Peace Letters?
In any case much more than just promising support and solidarity, rather summoning the positive creativity when we, that’s the world community, are staying together brainstorming, acting in respect and responsibility for each other. Art as a tool for sensitizing and encouragement and – Peace. The selected artists – coming from different continents and cultural backgrounds – show and offer their positive creativity via their audio-visual creations.
The Peace Letters to Ukraine Project is initiated by the Cologne based media artist and chief-curator Wilfried Agricola de Cologne for The New Museum of Networked Art as a networked artistic action in reaction on the war against the Ukraine in solidarity with the Ukrainian people.

The solidarity screenings @ IzDoc – Izmir Documentary Film Festival
are featuring

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Peace Letters to Ukraine 13

ExDox Documentariies

Marie Magescas (France) – WAR desease, 2010, 8:26
Shahar Marcus (Israel) – Seeds, 2012, 5:03
Yiotis Vrantzas (Greece) – Phone call from Cairo, 2012, 4:55
Omar Robert Hamilton (Egypt) – The People Demand the Fall of the Regime, 2011, 4:00
Masa Hicisin Dervisevic (CZ) – Personal Images: Personal Semiotics of War, 2013, 9:54
Agricola de Cologne (Germany) – Oaktown-on climate activism, 2020, 17:00
Oleg Chorny (Ukraine) – Olexa Hirnyk Stairs, 2012, 14:00

Selection curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
director @ The New Museum of Networked Art
ExDox – Experimental Documentary Film Festival

Peace Letters to Ukraine 8

Videoart from Ukraine
selection 2- curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne (Cologne)

Lena Nosenko – Wait form me, 2010, 4:35
Lidiya Starodubtseva – Time Is Up, 2018, 4:00
Kostia Vozniuk – Woman in her own room,2017, 04′ 08”
Vera Abakumova – Self-fullfillment, 2011, 7:40
Oksana Chepelyk – «Letter from Ukraine», 2014, 7:31
Alexander Isaenko – The Negative Selection, 2012, 3:30
Nataliia Mashtaler – Demonstration Lesson, 2012, 13:40
Oleg Kharch – Fakemet, 2019, 3:46
Oleg Chorny- The Tree, 2019, 6:40
Alexander Yeltsin – Warning, 2014, 5:37

About the venue - VisArts Center Rockville/USA - 7/6 May 2022

Frame & Frequency screenings @ Visarts Center

VisArts, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, is a hub for the visual arts that engages nearly 30,000 visitors annually through contemporary art exhibitions, a studio artist program, art classes and camps, VisAbility Art Lab (a supported studio for artists with disabilities), community art programs, the annual Rockville Arts Festival, and event space. Founded in 1987, VisArts is committed to our mission of transforming individuals and communities through the visual arts.

155 Gibbs Street
Rockville, MD 20850

The curator's note
Curatorial note

Turmoil & Error
The World is in turmoil, the human civilisation is in turmoil, culture is in turmoil, the artists are in turmoil – violence and war in Ukraine and elsewhere, the war of the political systems and ideologies, genocide, racism, intolerance, climate change, pandemic, expulsion, refugees, globalization – and all simultaneously! The global crisis!
And what function might art have in all that mess? What message may transport these Peace Letters?
In any case much more than just promising support and solidarity, rather summoning the positive creativity when we, that’s the world community, are staying together brainstorming, acting in respect and responsibility for each other. Art as a tool for sensitizing and encouragement and – Peace. The selected artists – coming from different continents and cultural backgrounds – show and offer their positive creativity via their audio-visual creations.

The solidarity screenings in Rockville consist of two parts –

Peace Letters 1 / featuring videos by 20 Ukrainian artists –
curated by Yarina Butkowska (Lviv/Ukraine) – videos from the years 2002-2009 including
Kateryna Babkina, Borys Pasichniy and Julia Pavlovska, Oleg Ushchenko, Olexiy Khoroshko, Mykola Kondratenko, MaxFlood, Svitlana Oleshko & Mykhaylo Barbara, Viacheslav Poliakov, Yuriy Kruchak & Yulia Kostereva, Oksana Chepelyk, and –
curated by Wilfried Agricolas de Cologne – videos from the years 2010-2020, including – Lena Nosenko, Lidia Starodubtseva, Kostia Vozniuk, Vera Abakumova, Oksana Chepelyk, Alexander Isaenko, Nataliia Mashtaler, Oleg Kharch, Oleg Chorny, Alexander Yeltsin.

Peace Letters 6 / a selection of art videos curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne, including
Shelley Jordon (USA), Dee Hood (USA), Abdoul-Ganiou Dermani (Togo), Francesca Ruth Levi (UK), Jana Schmück & Johannes C. Gerard (NL) , Justyna Maluchnik (Poland) , Hagit Kastel Nachsholi (Israel), Marie Magescas (France), Wilfried Agricola de Cologne (Germany), Albert Merino (Spain), Ian Gibbins (Australia), Marcantonio Lunardi (Italy) , Mária Judóvá (Czech Republik), Francesca Lolli (Italy), Monika K. Adler (UK), Laura & Sira Cabrera (Spain), Yssa Marie Flores (Philppines), Bruno Pavic (Croatia)

The Peace Letters to Ukraine Project is initiated by the Cologne based media artist and chief-curator Wilfried Agricola de Cologne for The New Museum of Networked Art as a networked artistic action in reaction on the war against the Ukraine in solidarity with the Ukrainian people.