About the - Anthropocene- program
The “Anthropocene” is a theme-related program dealing with the influence of the human species on Planet Earth through the creative and destructive powers of the indivual and society. The program is rooted on a wide range of video/film collections @ The New Museum of Networked Art.

07 July – 30 September 2022
On 7 July 2022, Alphabet Art Centre was releasing its new program “Anthropocene” – representing the forum for the extended collections on environmental issues – featuring, appreciating and honouring artists working with audio-visual media for their achievements in the fields of moving and interactive images – in most different concern.

The 1st program – released in the framework of the solidarity project “Peace Letters to Ukraine” – is featuring selections from the collections – The Refugee Memorial – Contaminated Progress and Pandemic. The collections are directly related to the context of the war in Ukraine – triggering a wave of refugees, an environmental desaster, and a worldwide famine – as a result related to these three components – an humaniterian desaster of global dimensions. Human made conclicts are resolved by the “human race” as suicide squats for mankind – unrestrained violence, power-games and destruction – they are jeopardizing the survival of humanity on our home planet.

The Refugee Film Collection

On occasion of the great European refugee crisis 2015, The New Museum of Networked Art initiated – The Refugee Film Collection – to be transformed in 2018 to – The Refugee Memorial , incorporating more than 120 videos/films by 110 international artists. The new “Anthropocene” program is presenting curated selections for this collection.

Enter the – Refugee Film Collection (1)
Contaminated Progress

In the framework of the environmemtal topics of The WAke-Up Memorial, The New Museum of Networked Art launched in 2019 as an initiaitive for a plastic-free environment – the collection context of “Contaminated Progress” standing for erroneous paths of mankind resulting from the belief in progress.

Enter the – Contaminated Progress (1)

On occasion of the COVID-19 Pandemic, The New Museum of Networled Art initiated a new most comprehensive film collection (more than 200 videos by 200 international artists) dealing with the consequences of the pandemic for the individual (artist) and society. The pandemic as a warning to humanity to stop the destruction of the natural habitat of flora and fauna.

Enter the – PANDEMIC (1)