Peace Letters from Los Angeles to Ukraine

Peace Letters to Ukraine 7
This video program documenting the networked collaboration between artists, curators and institutions in solidarity is created for the solidarity collaboration with TAM – Torrance Art Museum/ Los Angeles – 4-25 June 2022, composing , among others, compoments from the Peace Letters 1, 2 and 6 to the unique new Peace Letter 7.
Cultural and artistic networking is representing one way how art can serve as a tool to show and confirm solidarity with the Ukrainian people – for Peace and Freedom – not just on times of war, the Russian-Ukraine War. But it’s freedom, of course, as it is understood in a liberal democracy, as it is possible only through the diversity as a result of networking.
VisArts Center Rockville (MD/USA) – 07-08 May 2022
Thessaloniki Municipal Art Gallery (Greece) 18-20 May 2022
Torrance Art Museum Los Angeles (CA/USA) – 04-25 June 2022
Rhizome DC Washington DC (USA) – 07 July 2022
Solidarity screening program-
Turmoil & Error

About TAM - Torrance Art Museum Los Angeles

The Museum encourages all people to develop and increase their understanding and appreciation for modern and contemporary artwork via a variety of exhibitions offered in its two gallery spaces, as well as educational programs, artist talks, lectures, and symposia.
Through its emphasis on contemporary artistic expression in Southern California and globally, the Torrance Art Museum brings together visual artists and community members; fosters personal and civic well being by inspiring understanding and appreciation of the visual arts; promotes meaningful experiences in the arts to strengthen creative and critical thinking skills; and builds bridges between the visual arts and other disciplines in the humanities and sciences.
Peace Letters to Ukraine in 2022 – is representing the 6th collaboration between Wilfried Agricola de Cologne and TAM – Torrance Art Museum – 2014-2016-2018-2020-2022
see als TAM Darkroom @ Alphabet ART Centre

Torrance Art Museum Los Angeles
3320 Civic Center Drive
Torrance, CA 90503

Complementary Program 1- Cologne - Retrospective -Oksana Chepelyk

Launch on 4 June 2022

Complementary Program 2- Cologne - The 3 Francesca's
Launch on 4 June 2022

Complementary Program 3 - Cologne - The TAM DarkRoOM
Launch on 4 June 2022

The curator's note
Curatorial note

Turmoil & Error
The World is in turmoil, the human civilisation is in turmoil, culture is in turmoil, the artists are in turmoil – violence and war in Ukraine and elsewhere, the war of the political systems and ideologies, genocide, racism, intolerance, climate change, pandemic, expulsion, refugees, globalization – and all simultaneously! The global crisis!
And what function might art have in all that mess? What message may transport these Peace Letters?
In any case much more than just promising support and solidarity, rather summoning the positive creativity when we, that’s the world community, are staying together brainstorming, acting in respect and responsibility for each other. Art as a tool for sensitizing and encouragement and – Peace. The selected artists – coming from different continents and cultural backgrounds – show and offer their positive creativity via their audio-visual creations.
The Peace Letters to Ukraine Project is initiated by the Cologne based media artist and chief-curator Wilfried Agricola de Cologne for The New Museum of Networked Art as a networked artistic action in reaction on the war against the Ukraine in solidarity with the Ukrainian people.
The solidarity screenings @ TAM consist of three parts –
Peace Letters 1 / featuring videos by 20 Ukrainian artists –
curated by Yarina Butkowska (Lviv/Ukraine) – videos from the years 2002-2009 including
Kateryna Babkina, Borys Pasichniy and Julia Pavlovska, Oleg Ushchenko, Olexiy Khoroshko, Mykola Kondratenko, MaxFlood, Svitlana Oleshko & Mykhaylo Barbara, Viacheslav Poliakov, Yuriy Kruchak & Yulia Kostereva, Oksana Chepelyk, and –
curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne – videos from the years 2010-2020, including – Lena Nosenko, Lidia Starodubtseva, Kostia Vozniuk, Vera Abakumova, Oksana Chepelyk, Alexander Isaenko, Nataliia Mashtaler, Oleg Kharch, Oleg Chorny, Alexander Yeltsin.
Peace Letters 2 – selection curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
including Bruno Pavic (Croatia), Frederic Iriarte/Rich Ferguson (France/Sweden), Maria Korporal (Netherlands), Jean-Michel Rolland (France), Claude Cicollela (France), Lisi Prada (Spain), Fran Orallo (Spain), Muriel Paraboni (Brazil) , Wilfried Agricola de Cologne (Germany), Ulf Kristiansen (Norway), Matteo Campulla (Italy) , Beate Hecher /Markus Keim (Austria), Animaenoctis (Italy) ,
Katina Bitsikas (USA)
Peace Letters 6 – selection curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne, including
Laura & Sira Cabrera Diaz (Spain), Ian Gibbins (Australia), Brit Bunkley (New Zealand), Guilherme Bergamini (Brazil), Kokou Ekouagou (Togo), Marek Wasilewski (Poland), Wrik Mead (Canada) , Abhijit Patro (India), Coalfather (USA). Ausin Sainz (Spain), Dimitris Argyriou (Greece), Vito Alfarano (Italy)
Peace Letters 10 – The 3 Francesca’s –
Italian video/performance art by Francesca Fini – Francesca Leoni – Francesca Lolli
in solidarity with Ukraine
selection curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
simultaneous launch of “The 3 Francesca’s” Project at Alphabet Art Centre/The New Museum of Networked Art Cologne and Torrance Art Museum Los Angeles
About the curator - Yarina Butkovska
Yarina Butkovska
curator of Ukrainian videoart at The Peace Letter to Ukraine Project
journalist, author and presenter of different radio projects, writer, DJ, editor, reporter, curator
Born in August, 4th,1982 in Ternopil, Ukraine.
Lives and works in Lviv, Ukraine.
1999 – 2004, studying in Lviv National University on journalism faculty
2000 – 2003, Radio «Initiative» 102.5 fm – Author/presenter of projects on cultural and social thematic, DJ: «Radiometro», «Pret a porte», «Art review», «Virmenska, 35th », «CinemaTest», «Radio theatre»…
2002 – 2003, Radio «Lviv wave» – Journalist in newsroom: reporter, editor
2003 – 2005, TV channel «HTA» – Journalist in newsroom: cultural and social thematic reporting
2005 – 2007, Radio «Ternopil» – Editor in news department
2007– 2008 – curator of the First International Festival of Videoart «Kinolevchyk»
Currently employed @ Andrei Sheptytsky National Museum in Lviv
About the curator - Agricola de Cologne
Agricola de Cologne @
chief curator of The Peace Letters to Ukraine Project
curator of media art, designer of culture, interdisciplinary media artist, director of experimental shortfilms and videos
founder and director of
– The New Museum of Networked Art – the experimental platform for art and new media (2000)
– The Audiovisual Art Collections @ The New Museum of Networked Art (2005)
– artvideoKOELN – the curatorial initiative „art & moving images“ (2005)
– CologneOFF – The New Institute for Contemporary Art & Moving Images 2005/2020
– creator/curator of The W:OW Project – We Are One World – global networking project (2017) & The 7 Memorials for Humanity (2018)
Besides for a broad bandwidth of dynamic curatorial contexts he is initiating in physical & virtual space like JavaMuseum (2001), NewMediaFest (2002), Violence Online Festival (2003), SoundLAB & VideoChannel (2004), CologneOFF (2005), netEX (2007), AVMCI (2012), Agricola de Cologne is standing also for the co-curator & co-organiser of events like festivals & exhibitions of contemporary art, but also for the jury member of divers festivals.
Since its introduction in 2000, Agricola de Cologne is represented as an artist & curator on more than 800 festivals and media art exhibitions in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Knoxville, Pittsburgh, Toronto, Montreal, Mexico City, Guadalajara, Merida, Caracas, Maracaibo, Buenos Aires, Rosario, Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Santiago de Chile, Quito, Bogota, London, Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse, Madrid, Gijon, Sevilla, Valencia, Barcelona, Lisbon, Oslo, Bergen, Stockholm, Helsinki, Tampere, Kopenhagen, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Tokyo, Nagoya, Seoul, Manila, Hongkong, Bangkok, Phnom Penh, New Delhi, Guwahati, Mumbai, Kolkata, Jakarta, Perth, Melbourne, Casablanca, Rabat, Marrakesh, Addis Abeba, Istanbul, Ankara, Yerewan, Tblissi, Damaskus, Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, Bethlehem, Gaza, Basel, Zurich, Vienna, Linz, Salzburg, Graz, Kiev, Kharkiv, Riga, Tallinn, Vilnius, Moscow, St.Petersburg, Kansk, Perm, Yekaterinburg, Sofia, Varna, Bukarest, Arad, Timisoara, Budapest, Belgrade, Zagreb, Split, Lubljana, Rome, Naples, Milan, Pescara, Venice, Torino, Bologna, Berlin, Cologne, Münster, Düsseldorf, Karlsruhe, Nuremberg & elsewhere, but also on Biennials like Venice Biennale 2003, 2005, Biennale of New Media Art Merida/MX 2003, Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth/Australia (2004), Biennale de Montreal (2004), Biennale of Video & New Media Santiago de Chile (2005), ISEA Nagoya (2002), ISEA Singapur (2008), ISEA Belfast (2009), Kochi Musziris Biennial (2016/2017)
Agricola de Cologne –>
artvideoKOELN –>
The New Museum of Networked Art –>
Peace Letters to Ukraine 7
Peace Letters 1
Videoart from Ukraine - Part 1
Videoart from Ukraine – Part 1
selection 1- curated by Yarina Butkovska
Kateryna Babkina – Used to be Keys, 2007, 2:30
Borys Pasichniy and Julia Pavlovska – Milk, 2007, 3:51
Oleg Ushchenko – Genius, 2006, 1:25
Olexiy Khoroshko – The Aim Of The Game, 2007, 4:20
Mykola Kondratenko – Longing For Students, 2007, 3:47
MaxFlood – Let’s walk More, 2007, 1:49
Svitlana Oleshko & Mykhaylo Barbara – Stas Perfetsky is returning to Ukraine, 2005, 7:51
Viacheslav Poliakov – Indoor-outdoor, 2007, 3:51
Yuriy Kruchak, Yulia Kostereva – Framing West, 2009, 2:46
Oksana Chepelyk – Urban Multimedia Utopia – UMU: 10:00, 2002
Videoart from Ukraine - Part 2
Videoart from Ukraine – Part 2
selection 1- curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
Lena Nosenko – Wait for me, 2010, 4:35
Lidia Starodubtseva – Time Is Up, 2018, 4:00
Kostia Vozniuk – Woman in her own room,2017, 04′ 08”
Vera Abakumova – Self-fullfillment, 2011, 7:40
Oksana Chepelyk – «Letter from Ukraine», 2014, 7:31
Alexander Isaenko – The negative selection, 2012, 3:30
Nataliia Mashtaler – Demonstration Lesson, 2012, 13:40
Oleg Kharch – Fakemet, 2019, 3:46
Oleg Chorny – The Tree, 2019, 6:40
Alexander Yeltsin – Warning, 2014, 5:37
Peace Letters 2
selection curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
Bruno Pavic (Croatia) – The Message, 2022, 01:03
Frederic Iriarte/Rich Ferguson (France/Sweden) – Soul Train, 2022, 4:52
Maria Korporal (Netherlands) – Wandel/Change, 2022, 3:38
Jean-Michel Rolland (France) – Sabotage, 2021, 2:34
Claude Cicollela (France) – Under The Ground, 2022, 6:30
Lisi Prada (Spain) – News From Damaskus, 2018, 1:00
Fran Orallo (Spain) – Your Body Is A Battle Field, 2017, 4:45
Muriel Paraboni (Brazil) – Let Them Laugh, 2022, 4:00
Wilfried Agricola de Cologne (Germany) – Danse Macabre, 2022, 6:30
Ulf Kristiansen (Norway) – Gimme Shelter, 2017, 3:24
Matteo Campulla (Italy) – It’s Me/THE OTHER, 2019, 1:48
Beate Hecher /Markus Keim (Austria) – Pangäa, 2021, 13:34
Animaenoctis (Italy) – Roots/Kоріння / 2022 / 03:25
Katina Bitsikas (USA) – In Memoriam, 2022, 5:32
Peace Letters 6
curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
Laura & Sira Cabrera Diaz (Spain) – Transmutaciones, 2020, 10:12
Ian Gibbins (Australia) – Colony Collapse, 2019, 3:54
Brit Bunkley (New Zealand) -Blood River, 2021, 6:51
Guilherme Bergamini (Brazil) – Plenitude, 2020, 5:00
Kokou Ekouagou (Togo) – Stand Up, 2020, 1:46
Marek Wasilewski (Poland) – Clarification, 2020, 6:15
Wrik Mead (Canada) – Camp, 2000, 12:22
Abhijit Patro (India)- PINJARA (CAGE), 2020, 2:53
Coalfather (USA) – Overtime, 2020, 2:56
Ausin Sainz (Spain) – Peaceful Protest, 2020, 5:00
Dimitris Argyriou (Greece) – 5 Minutes Silence, 2018, 10:52
Vito Alfarano (Italy) – I Have A Dream, 2019, 11:30
Peace Letters 10
curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
The 3 Francesca’s – featuring Italian video/performance art by
Francesca Fini – Francesca Leoni – Francesca Lolli
part 1
Over My Skin – Lockdown Performances 2020
Francesca Fini – Water Blues, 2020, 17:00
Francesca Leoni – Homo Shopper, 2020, 15:00
Francesca Lolli – Memories, 2020, 15:00
part 2
Francesca Lolli – The Dying Lilium, 2016, 03:27
Francesca Lolli – The Lovers, 2015, 02:53
Francesca Lolli – Atonement/Espiazione, 2018, 05:11
Francesca Leoni / Davide Mastrangelo – INS(h)IDE, 2011, 3:00
Francesca Leoni – MeMini, 2016 , 3:53
Francesca Leoni – Ego- Crazia ( Chapter 1), 2016, 8’20”
Francesca Fini – With An Helmet – fair & lost, 2013, 5:23
Francesca Fini – WOMBS, 2012, 6:00
Francesca Fini – Skinned, 2018, 7:24
This program will be released streaming online after 25 June 2022.