ALPHABET started officially on 23 September 2020
on occasion of A Virtual Memorial Vilnius 2013 @ NewMediaFest2020.
The Archives inform about the past temporarily limited programs, but do not offer the possibility to review the videos.
Exceptions are the programs of the permanent DarkRooms, which can be viewed another time by entering these DarkRooms.
Alphabet Art Centre
starts operating on occasion of the collaboration with Torrance Art Museum Los Angeles, hosting the Corona screenings online. After 20 September 2020, Alphabet Art Centre start its independent programming
WOW Jubilee X October 2020
>Week 23 – 29 October
16 October – 31 December 2020

Gandhi! – PPNRCD
PPNRCD – stands for “Peaceful Protest – Nonviolent Resistance – Civil Disobedience”
a new film collection initiated on occasion of the 151st anniversary of Mathatma Gandhi’s birthday
and the collaboration with Birla Academy of Art & Culture and Culture Monks India both located in Kolkata India
and the exhibition @ Birla Academy of Art & Culture –
SPEAKING GANDHI : Visual journeys of Gandhi@150 & beyond
16 October – 22 November 2020
ALPHABET is complementing the selection of the physical show by presenting the complete Gandhi PPNRCD Film Collection until 31 December 2020 online–>
23-29 October 2020
Program 5
Corona! Shut Down!
Contingencia / Contingency
curated by Elizabeth Ross
1. Amanda Gutiérrez (México-US during a stay in Abu Dhabi) – Droplets, 2020, 3’14
2. Lucía Madriz (Costa Rica-Germany) – Finalmente, 2020, 1’37
3. Sandra Petrovich (Uruguay) – Poemas Confinados, 2020 2’46
4. Ana Matteucci (Costa Rica) – Diario de Confinamiento, 2020 3’09
5. Jeannette Betancourt (Puerto Rico-México) – Al Interior 2’19
6. Inmaculada Abarca (Spain) – Contingencia convivencia, 2020, 2’21
7. Paola Paz Yee. (México) – High Tide, 2020, 3’10
8. Mercedes Fidanza (Argentina) – Hay Otro Pandemia, 2020, 3’05
9. Aleha Solano (Colombia-US) – transcendental Whistling, 2020, 2’04
10. Christine Brault (Canada), – Infiltrión, 2020, 4’31
11. Elizabeth Ross (México/Spain) – Todos los días son hoy, 2020, 3,39
12. Yolanda Relinque (Spain) – Ansiedad, 2020, 2’17
13. María Campiglia (Argentina-México) – Primavery, 2020, 3’00
14. Alejandra Ruvalcaba (México) – reencuentro, 2020, 2’38
15. Amanda Gutiérrez (México-USA-leaving Abu Dhabi) – Liminal Space, 2020, 2’31
16. Elizabeth Ross, (México/Spain) – Leng Shan, 20203,33
Shahar Marcus & Hagit Grossman – Johanna and me_english reading, 2020, 9:58
Isabel Perez del Pulgar – Derrière la fenêtre, 2020, 1:00
Tammy Mike Laufer – STOP COVID19, 2020, 1:00
, 2020, , 03:17
Holger Mohaupt – Across, Ahead, Behind & With You, 2020, 2:54
Yvana Samandova & Borjan Zarevski – ‘Corona Spectators’, 2020, 5:00
Uhud Can Karagöz – New Daily Habits, 2020, 0:42
The Corona crisis is demanding from people around the globe to reduce their social contacts in order to avoid a rapid spread of the virus. The Wake-Up! Memorial was inviting audio-visual artists to submit one work – video and/or soundart – dealing with this – hopefully temporarily limited shut down . The new show case is representing an act of solidarity for the victims of the pandemic and a warning alike addressed to the human population on Earth to rethink the current values of the individual and the society as a whole. Corona! Shut Down? is representing a new exciting film collection including more than 180 audio-visual works.
Cinema H
03 – 31 October 2020
Feature: Videoartist of the Month October 2020
Silvia de Gennaro
2 October -31 October 2020
NewMediaFest2020 @ Over the Real Videoart Festival Lucca
Moving The Change curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
WOW Italy curated by Maurizio Marco Tozzi
23-29 October 2020
Program 5
ALPHABET shows during the coming weeks in the framework of
The Holocaust Remembrance 23 September – 15 November 2020
each week another selection from
Shoah Film Collection @ The d/i/light Memorial
Program 5
1h 24 min
Daveed Shwartz (IL) – I saw a Mountain, 2009, 5:00
Daniel Wechsler (Israel) – Remains, 2014, 02:18
Andrea Nevi (Italy) – Everything collapses and disintegrates around me, 2011, 2:40
Christophe Bisson (France) – Sarah (K), 2014, 14:00
Yonatan Weinstein (IL) – My Grandma – Frau Masha, 2006, 57:00
The Weeks of the Holocaust Remembrance include following occasions for commemorating – A Virtual Memorial Vilnius 2013 (23 Sept – 29 Oct 2013) – A Virtual Memorial Warsaw 2012 (25-30 October 2012) – A Virtual Memorial Warsaw 2013 (25-31 Oct 2013) and the Night of Broken Glass (9 November 1938)
23-29- October 2020
5 – WOW – In Troubled Waters
curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
2h 17 minutes
Enoh Lienemann (Germany) – In My Head, 2015, 6`34 min
Angelina Voskopoulou (Greece) – Blind Traveller, 2018, 1:27
Abe Abraham (USA) – Salt Water, 2017, 5:52
Francesca Lolli (Italy – No country for everyone), 2015, 01:52
Fu LE (France) – Mass, 2019, 10:00
Cigdem Slankard (Turkey/USA) – Fresh Start, 2017, 12:50
Sonia Guggisberg (Brazil) – Skaramanga Camp, 2017, 9:00
Mathilde Babo (France) – After The Spring, 2016, 4:00
Vito Alfarano (Italy) – I have a Dream, 2018, 11:32
Daniela Lucato (Italy) When I dance, 2016, 67:00
TAM @ Alphabet
WOW Jubilee VII DarkRoom 2020
Torrance Art Museum Los Angeles
was presenting between 18 July – 20 September 2020
5 – WOW – In Troubled Waters
The 7 Memorials for Humanity
7 screening programs curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
NewMediaFest2020 celebrates numerous anniversaries this year, including the foundation in Cologne in 2000.
WOW Jubilee VII Los Angeles – (WOW stands for “We Are One World”) is the 7th anniversary program in a row, this time with the focus on the 7 video program units with their 11 programs in total, which Wilfried Agricola de Cologne, the director, main curator realized NewMediaFest2020 for the screenings at TAM – including 150 videos by 150 artists from 30 countries on topics that concern artists and society alike – violence, migration, climate change, environment and identity – as they are manifested in “The 7 Memorial for Humanity” , a commemorative context of media art developed during the past 20 years since 2000.
NewMediaFest2020 is an event structure with a retrospective character, which is carried out in an exchange between virtual and physical space throughout 2020, starting on December 26, 2019 and ending on December 31, 2020 with network partners around the world.
In addition to the 12 monthly festival programs, the daily features are of particular importance with the publication of new media art programs from “The 365 Days Diary” online.
After Addis Ababa and Cologne before the Corona crisis, which forced NewMediaFest2020 to continue its activities exclusively online as the 1st Corona Festival, Berlin is now the first physical venue starting on 9 July followed Los Angeles (USA) on 18 July online, and depending of the Corona developments worldwide additional events are scheduled in Cusco (Peru), Athens (Greece), Lucca (Italy), Beirut (Lebanon) and Calcutta (India) – either offline or online.
WOW Jubilee X October 2020
>Week 16 – 22 October
16 October – 31 December 2020
Gandhi! – PPNRCD
PPNRCD – stands for “Peaceful Protest – Nonviolent Resistance – Civil Disobedience”
a new film collection initiated on occasion of the 151st anniversary of Mathatma Gandhi’s birthday
and the collaboration with Birla Academy of Art & Culture and Culture Monks India both located in Kolkata India
and the exhibition @ Birla Academy of Art & Culture –
SPEAKING GANDHI : Visual journeys of Gandhi@150 & beyond
16 October – 22 November 2020
ALPHABET is complementing the selection of the physical show by presenting the complete Gandhi PPNRCD Film Collection until 31 December 2020 online–>
16-22 October 2020
Program 4
Corona! Shut Down!
Maria Korporal (NL)- The First After-Corona Kiss, 2020, 4:05
Pierre Ajavon (France) -Cover-19 Incident, 2020, 2:34
Claude Heiland-Allen (UK) – Shut Down As A Service, 2020, 0:57.69
Gérard Chauvin (France)- WALK WITH MY SHADOWS, 2020, 3:19
Lisi Prada (Spain) – State of Emergency, 3 min. 30 sec., 18 Mars 2020
Mauricio Sanhueza (Peru) – The House, 2018, 8:15
Enoh Lienemann (Germany)- Diary of the Pandemic, 2020, 3:00
Muriel Paraboni (Brazil) – Lumen, 2020, 5:00
Fran Orallo (Spain) – Quarantine, 2020, 1:00
Marco Coraggio (Italy) – OK!?, 2020, 3:26
Andres Tenusaar, Andrus Laansalu (Estonia)- Danse Macabre, 2020, 1:00
Maciej Piatek (UK)- h-in-waiting, 2020, 4:54
Ebba Jahn (Germany)- The Creek, 2020, 2:00
The Corona crisis is demanding from people around the globe to reduce their social contacts in order to avoid a rapid spread of the virus. The Wake-Up! Memorial was inviting audio-visual artists to submit one work – video and/or soundart – dealing with this – hopefully temporarily limited shut down . The new show case is representing an act of solidarity for the victims of the pandemic and a warning alike addressed to the human population on Earth to rethink the current values of the individual and the society as a whole. Corona! Shut Down? is representing a new exciting film collection including more than 180 audio-visual works.
03 – 31 October 2020
Feature: Videoartist of the Month October 2020
Silvia de Gennaro
2 October -31 October 2020
NewMediaFest2020 @ Over the Real Videoart Festival Lucca
Moving The Change curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
WOW Italy curated by Maurizio Marco Tozzi
16-22 October 2020
Program 4
ALPHABET shows during the coming weeks in the framework of
The Holocaust Remembrance 23 September – 15 November 2020
each week another selection from
Shoah Film Collection @ The d/i/light Memorial
Program 4
Dario Lazzaretto (Italy) – “Lizt”, 2015, 02:38
Konstantinos-A. Goutos (GR) – theFlâneu® shoots auschwitz, 2009, 29:49
Ben Neufeld II (USA) – The Deaf Lumberjack, The Blind Potboiler, 2015, 25:25
Lilia Kopac (Lithuania) – The Pit of Life and Torment, 2013, 60:00
Enter the 4th program
The Weeks of the Holocaust Remembrance include following occasions for commemorating – A Virtual Memorial Vilnius 2013 (23 Sept – 29 Oct 2013) – A Virtual Memorial Warsaw 2012 (25-30 October 2012) – A Virtual Memorial Warsaw 2013 (25-31 Oct 2013) and the Night of Broken Glass (9 November 1938)
Cinema D
4 – WOW – Contaminated Progress
curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
TAM DarkRoom @ Cinema D
1h 19 minutes
Robert Dohrmann (USA) – All Systems Go – Neil Armstrong, 2009, 3:16Anna Garner (USA) – Lineage (USA), 2013, 1:54
Brit Bunkley (New Zealand) – Fleeced,2009, 4:22
Paul Turano (USA) – Toxic Red Sludge, 2010, 5:00
Ben Fox (UK) – Recent Tactile Nonsense, 2012, 2:17
Manuel Ferrer and Alena Mesarosova (Spain/Slovakia) – Irreal Time, 2012, 3:30
Diego de Los Campos (Uruguay) – Still Life, 2012, 2:28
Luis Patino (Spain) – Echoes of the Forest, 2012, 6:52
Javier Velasquez Cabrero (Spain) – My City a Bit Cleaner From Advertising, 2012, 6:00
Xiaowen Zhu (China) – Terminal island, 2013, 10:50
Claudia Borgna (Italy) – L’ultimo Accordo I, 2016, 06:05
Carolin Koss (Finland) – Plastic Child, 2016, 12:11
Francois Knoetze (South Africa) – Plastic, 2012, 5:00
Laura & Sira Cabrera (Spain) – Climate Disorder, 2019, 4:18
TAM @ Alphabet
WOW Jubilee VII DarkRoom 2020
Torrance Art Museum Los Angeles
was presenting between 18 July – 20 September 2020
4 – WOW – Contaminated Progress
The 7 Memorials for Humanity
7 screening programs curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
NewMediaFest2020 celebrates numerous anniversaries this year, including the foundation in Cologne in 2000.
WOW Jubilee VII Los Angeles – (WOW stands for “We Are One World”) is the 7th anniversary program in a row, this time with the focus on the 7 video program units with their 11 programs in total, which Wilfried Agricola de Cologne, the director, main curator realized NewMediaFest2020 for the screenings at TAM – including 150 videos by 150 artists from 30 countries on topics that concern artists and society alike – violence, migration, climate change, environment and identity – as they are manifested in “The 7 Memorial for Humanity” , a commemorative context of media art developed during the past 20 years since 2000.
NewMediaFest2020 is an event structure with a retrospective character, which is carried out in an exchange between virtual and physical space throughout 2020, starting on December 26, 2019 and ending on December 31, 2020 with network partners around the world.
In addition to the 12 monthly festival programs, the daily features are of particular importance with the publication of new media art programs from “The 365 Days Diary” online.
After Addis Ababa and Cologne before the Corona crisis, which forced NewMediaFest2020 to continue its activities exclusively online as the 1st Corona Festival, Berlin is now the first physical venue starting on 9 July followed Los Angeles (USA) on 18 July online, and depending of the Corona developments worldwide additional events are scheduled in Cusco (Peru), Athens (Greece), Lucca (Italy), Beirut (Lebanon) and Calcutta (India) – either offline or online.
WOW Jubilee X October 2020
>Week 09 – 15 October
09-15 October 2020
Program 3
Corona! Shut Down!
Jason Jenn (USA)- We Wear Many Different Masks, 2020, 3:00
Bruno Pavic (Croatia) -Numbers, 2020, 4:09
Sky Palkowitz (USA)- Plagued, 2020, 3:49
Mattia Parisse (Italy) – Aequi Libra, 2020, 6:10
Freya Tewelde (Eritrea)- Suffocate, 2020, 3:55
Roland Quelven (France)- Isolata Roma, 2020, 5:31
Eija Temisevä (Finland)- And suddenly-all changes, 2020, 1,54
Gabriel Hošovský (Slovakia)- 07 May, 2020, 2020, 4:44
Eric Souther & Andrew Deutsch (USA)- Exponential Growth, 2020, 13:06
Fran Orallo (Spain)- Quarantine, 2020, 1:00
Coalfather Industries (USA)- Overtime, 2020, 2:56
The Corona crisis is demanding from people around the globe to reduce their social contacts in order to avoid a rapid spread of the virus. The Wake-Up! Memorial was inviting audio-visual artists to submit one work – video and/or soundart – dealing with this – hopefully temporarily limited shut down . The new show case is representing an act of solidarity for the victims of the pandemic and a warning alike addressed to the human population on Earth to rethink the current values of the individual and the society as a whole. Corona! Shut Down? is representing a new exciting film collection including more than 180 audio-visual works.
03 – 31 October 2020
Feature: Videoartist of the Month October 2020
Silvia de Gennaro
2 October -31 October 2020
NewMediaFest2020 @ Over the Real Videoart Festival Lucca
Moving The Change curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
WOW Italy curated by Maurizio Marco Tozzi
CINEMA S – 09-15 October 2020
Program 3
ALPHABET shows during the coming weeks in the framework of
The Holocaust Remembrance 23 September – 15 November 2020
each week another selection from
Shoah Film Collection @ The d/i/light Memorial
Program 3
Theme Bannenberg & Nok Snel II (NL) – Unravelling, 2013, 4:20
Brian Delevie (USA) – Haggadah, 2007, 13:03
Yochai Avrahami & Karin Eliyahu (IL) – “From the Middle to the Start”, 2009, 5:00
Grace Graupe Pillard (USA) – Moving through the Bramble of Memory, 2011, 1:56
Tammy Mike Laufer (IL) – Memory of the Holocaust is not dead!, 2009, 7:05
Rolanda Teicher Yekutiel (Israel)- The Last Numbers, 2006, 32:00
Enter the 3rdprogram
The Weeks of the Holocaust Remembrance include following occasions for commemorating – A Virtual Memorial Vilnius 2013 (23 Sept – 29 Oct 2013) – A Virtual Memorial Warsaw 2012 (25-30 October 2012) – A Virtual Memorial Warsaw 2013 (25-31 Oct 2013) and the Night of Broken Glass (9 November 1938)
3 – WOW – about human nature
curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
Enter the TAM DarkRoom @ Cinema C
Stine Gonshold (Norway) – Human Nature, 2008, 1:50
Roland Quelven (France) – Harey Solaris, 2015, 4:51
Gregg Biermann (USA) – Crop Duster Octet, 2013, 5:32
Sándor M. Salas (Spain) – De cara a la muerte, 2013, 03:52
Theresa Khalil (Egypt) – It goes on, 2013, 5.40
Istvan Horkay (Hungary) – The Lords Prayer, 2014, 5:04
Laurent Pernot (France)- Still Alives, 2005, 2.34
Francesca Lolli (Italy) – The Dying Lilium, 2016, 03:27
WOW – Earth Games/Erdspiele
curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
Eija Temisevä (Finland) – An Attempt to be Earth, 2016, 5:15
Kristina Frank (Sweden) – Earth One Minute, 2013, 1:43
Coalfather Industries (USA) – User History, 2018, 6:02
Albert Merino (Spain) – Bestiary, 2018, 5:10
Lisa Birke (Canada) – Endgame, 2017, 7:05
Emma Zukovic (Macedonia) – Post Memory From A Lost Country, 2018, 4:33
Farid Hamedi (Iran) – 947, 2019, 4:44
WOW Insight I
curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
Koorosh Asgari (Iran) – Shahrzad, 2012, 7:34
Celine Barakat (Canada) – Tallulah, 2013, 7:30
Kostia Vozniuk (Ukraine) – Woman in Her Room, 2017, 4:08
Isabel Perez Del Pulgar (Spain) – Expediente No. 0/2, 2013, 5:56
Catherine Del Buono (USA) – How to Not Get Raped, 2014, 3:09
Karin & Didi Fromherz (CH) – Happy Noon!, 2014, 5:45
TAM @ Alphabet
WOW Jubilee VII DarkRoom 2020
Torrance Art Museum Los Angeles
was presenting between 18 July – 20 September 2020
3. WOW – About Human Nature
Enter the DarkRoom @ Cinema C
The 7 Memorials for Humanity
7 screening programs curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
NewMediaFest2020 celebrates numerous anniversaries this year, including the foundation in Cologne in 2000.
WOW Jubilee VII Los Angeles – (WOW stands for “We Are One World”) is the 7th anniversary program in a row, this time with the focus on the 7 video program units with their 11 programs in total, which Wilfried Agricola de Cologne, the director, main curator realized NewMediaFest2020 for the screenings at TAM – including 150 videos by 150 artists from 30 countries on topics that concern artists and society alike – violence, migration, climate change, environment and identity – as they are manifested in “The 7 Memorial for Humanity” , a commemorative context of media art developed during the past 20 years since 2000.
NewMediaFest2020 is an event structure with a retrospective character, which is carried out in an exchange between virtual and physical space throughout 2020, starting on December 26, 2019 and ending on December 31, 2020 with network partners around the world.
In addition to the 12 monthly festival programs, the daily features are of particular importance with the publication of new media art programs from “The 365 Days Diary” online.
After Addis Ababa and Cologne before the Corona crisis, which forced NewMediaFest2020 to continue its activities exclusively online as the 1st Corona Festival, Berlin is now the first physical venue starting on 9 July followed Los Angeles (USA) on 18 July online, and depending of the Corona developments worldwide additional events are scheduled in Cusco (Peru), Athens (Greece), Lucca (Italy), Beirut (Lebanon) and Calcutta (India) – either offline or online.
1-31 October – WOW Italy curated by Maurizio Marco Tozzi together with Moving The Change- The NMF2020 program presented as a guest program on Over The Real Videoart Festival
Cinema K
1-9 October – Corona Film Collection II
Cinema S
1-9 October – Shoah Film Collection II
Cinema B
1-9 October – TAM darkroom @ ALPHATBET – program II – WOW-The Way We Were
Week 23-30 September 2020
Program 1

On occasion of A Virtual Memorial Vilnius 2013 –
ALPHABET shows during the coming weeks in the framework of
The Holocaust Remembrance 23 September – 15 November 2020
each week another selection from
Shoah Film Collection @ The d/i/light Memorial
The Weeks of the Holocaust Remembrance include following occasions for commemorating – A Virtual Memorial Vilnius 2013 (23 Sept – 29 Oct 2013) – A Virtual Memorial Warsaw 2012 (25-30 October 2012) – A Virtual Memorial Warsaw 2013 (25-31 Oct 2013) and the Night of Broken Glass (9 November 1938)
Corona! Shut Down!
The Corona crisis is demanding from people around the globe to reduce their social contacts in order to avoid a rapid spread of the virus. The Wake-Up! Memorial was inviting audio-visual artists to submit one work – video and/or soundart – dealing with this – hopefully temporarily limited shut down . The new show case is representing an act of solidarity for the victims of the pandemic and a warning alike addressed to the human population on Earth to rethink the current values of the individual and the society as a whole. Corona! Shut Down? is representing a new exciting film collection including more than 180 audio-visual works.
TAM @ Alphabet
WOW Jubilee VII DarkRoom 2020
Torrance Art Museum Los Angeles
was presenting between 18 July – 20 September 2020
Corona! – Shut Down?
The 7 Memorials for Humanity
7 screening programs curated by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne
NewMediaFest2020 celebrates numerous anniversaries this year, including the foundation in Cologne in 2000.
WOW Jubilee VII Los Angeles – (WOW stands for “We Are One World”) is the 7th anniversary program in a row, this time with the focus on the 7 video program units with their 11 programs in total, which Wilfried Agricola de Cologne, the director, main curator realized NewMediaFest2020 for the screenings at TAM – including 150 videos by 150 artists from 30 countries on topics that concern artists and society alike – violence, migration, climate change, environment and identity – as they are manifested in “The 7 Memorial for Humanity” , a commemorative context of media art developed during the past 20 years since 2000.
NewMediaFest2020 is an event structure with a retrospective character, which is carried out in an exchange between virtual and physical space throughout 2020, starting on December 26, 2019 and ending on December 31, 2020 with network partners around the world.
In addition to the 12 monthly festival programs, the daily features are of particular importance with the publication of new media art programs from “The 365 Days Diary” online.
After Addis Ababa and Cologne before the Corona crisis, which forced NewMediaFest2020 to continue its activities exclusively online as the 1st Corona Festival, Berlin is now the first physical venue starting on 9 July followed Los Angeles (USA) on 18 July online, and depending of the Corona developments worldwide additional events are scheduled in Cusco (Peru), Athens (Greece), Lucca (Italy), Beirut (Lebanon) and Calcutta (India) – either offline or online.